We are based in Vadodara, Gujarat State, India (West Coast, north of Mumbai).
Our current Group Turnover (including Indenting business) is in excess of US$ 30 million having objective is to provide service to reputed trans-national companies for business development of products, process technology, industrial / capital goods, specialty chemicals & additives marketing and distribution, operation and maintenance of oil field equipments, skilled manpower contracting etc.
Through its intimate knowledge of the regional market dynamics, local business environment and business contacts at various levels of state and central governmental agencies and all major Petrochemical, Refinery and Oil & Gas industry, Supra also provides expert advice and liaison services to engineering / construction firms, consulting organizations and other companies that have an interest in building business in the rapidly growing Indian economy.
Our range of activities broadly include liaisoning, international trading, sales, stocking and distribution of the following products and services: